At 14:10 15/04/2015 +0200, Alain Ronly wrote:
I'm looking for a simple and automatic way how to tell to my tables in a writer document, to be formatted with alternat[]e rows color for example even rows will be blue in the background and odd rows will have a light blue as background color. I did not find any easy way to do it. Is there someone who has already solved this topic ?

Not me.

o Once you have set the background colour for one row, you can use the Format Paintbrush to paint the same colour on other rows. If you double-click the button, you can drag the "paint bucket" across alternate rows to achieve one colour and then repeat the process for the other colour.

o For large numbers of rows, you can copy an entire existing table and paste it immediately following - and you can repeat that process. You'll end up with multiple tables, but that may suffice, providing you delete the empty paragraph between them. If you need to, you can put the cursor into the second table and go to Table | Merge Tables (or right-click | Merge Tables) to merge the two tables into one.

o It is somewhat easier to set up such background colouring in a spreadsheet than in a Writer table. If you colour two rows you can easily copy them to two more. Then you can copy four rows to create eight in total. With this binary multiplication, you can very quickly achieve the desired size. If you then copy an appropriately-sized section of the spreadsheet and paste it into your text document using Paste Special... and "HTML (HyperText Markup Language)" you will get a table with the same background formatting. The table properties can be adjusted as necessary.

o The automatic way to colour spreadsheet rows alternately is to use Conditional Formatting and create a formula using the ROW() function to determine the oddness or evenness of the row number and control the background colouring using cell styles. But unfortunately - and as you might expect - the effect of such formatting is lost if you paste a copy into a text document as a table. So that's a dead duck.

o It's probably much easier to set up formatting such as this before you insert your data. If necessary, you should be able to copy any existing material and paste it into a new, formatted table.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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