This sounds like an interesting problem.

So, just doing it manually, how do *you* know how many spreadsheets are 
required for any particular result?

Mark Stanton
One small step for mankind...

In article <>, A wrote:
> I have multiple spreadsheet files that each represent one unique item.  
> As an analogy, think of the spreadsheet as a basket that contains a 
> variety of eggs (both calculated and hand-entered data). I have multiple 
> baskets each with multiple eggs.  Each basket (spreadsheet) is 
> associated with one person.  Each person can have multiple baskets 
> (although that's probably not relevant).
> I also have a letter, with which I want to do a mail merge - against 
> each spreadsheet.  i.e. each letter needs to draw multiple pieces of 
> data (eggs) from each spreadsheet, one letter per spreadsheet.
> Normally to do a mail merge you have one data source.  The problem of 
> course is that I don't have one data source, I have an unknown number - 
> each spreadsheet is a data source.  So I'm at a loss as to how to mail 
> merge against multiple data sources in an automated fashion.
> Thank you in advance.

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