As I worried, my words are insufficient to describe my second problem. 
I will say the problem in other words. 

If, assume there's some words/sentences in contents area. 
and there's one figure, too. 
after editing contents in contents area, I'd like to resize the figure. 
So, I intended just to select the figure, to resize it. 
But, the figure is not only selected but also moved to another position
because the mouse is moved while I select the figure. 
It's my fault that I should not move the mouse while selecting the figure. 
I should, first, position the mouse at the figure to select. and click then
release the button with caution not to move the mouse. 
Sometimes, especially when the Impress is not a active window, the contents
area is moved another position. 

Anyway, this is annoying to me. I think this requires too much concern to
If unselected object ignores drag-and-drop motion which is used to move
object, this could be avoided. 

I'm not sure which is better. 
To move a object, requiring a-priori selection could be annoying to someone. 
In my opinion, this is worth of consideration. 

I'm curious, is there something I missed? 

Thank you for reading. 

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