At 14:20 22/05/2015 +0200, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
Sang-Hyun LEE wrote:
I use OSX, Maverick. I'm not sure about that following happen in Windows or Linux, or else.

In the Writer, I can select multiple words starting with one word by double click and dragging. but the Impress doesn't allow me to do such job. I only can select one word by double clicking. Dragging doesn't do anything.

Just clicking (not double clicking) and dragging works for me.

It's possible that you have misunderstood the original questioner.

o Clicking and dragging selects text generally. That works in a presentation (Impress) document as well as in a text (Writer) one.

o Double-clicking selects the current word. That also works in both types of document.

o Double-clicking and then dragging *without first releasing the mouse button* selects the current word and then expands the selection word by word instead of character by character. The questioner points out that this useful technique works in Writer but not in Impress.

Brian Barker

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