Before I became a pensioner my work environment was Sun Solaris, but my
workstation was Redhat later Ubuntu linux.  I had Windows 7 in a
Virtualbox for some administrative functions which required Windows. 
Others in my group (sysops) used other varieties of linux.  The grunts
used Windows.

At home my son gave me his pensioned off  Macbook, at which I swore for
a week, and suddenly became a devoted Mac user.  My wife uses Windows 7,
I use Mavericks on my Mac Mini, Ubuntu 14-04 on my linux machine.  Both
machines have Virtualbox, and I'm trying to get OSX running on the linux
box.  I have it in a Virtualbox at the moment.

My Mac Mini and Ubuntu box both run Libreoffice.  My wife's machine has
LIbreoffice and MS Office, which she uses from force of habit.  I'm a
little amused that my wife will be getting a Mac (model unknown, but
probably running Yosemite) in the autumn as her new job-computer.  She's
already taking lessons on my machine!


On 2015-07-19 03:25, James E Lang wrote:
> The big discussion of Linux over the past 24+ hours has me wondering: What 
> operating environment(s) do other members of this list use at home and at 
> work? What factors influence the choice?
> To set the tone, here are my answers:
> • I am retired so "at work" is not applicable
> • At home we have a desktop dual boot Windows XP (and Ubuntu Linux) computer, 
> a laptop dual boot Kubuntu Linux (and pre-installed Windows Vista) computer 
> and several other laptop, desktop, and dedicated server (Ubuntu Linux based) 
> computers. I also have Android Lollipop, Android Kit Kat, and Android Jelly 
> Bean tablets and phones. I have nothing from Apple.
> • Windows XP is used primarily for single player gaming and e-Sword Bible 
> software though it also is used to run LO, FireFox and Pegasus Mail 
> (proprietary though free of cost).
> • Kubuntu Linux is my general purpose "go to" environment. My first Linux 
> system used what I believe was the penultimate marketed version from SuSE 
> before the first release of Open SuSE. I liked the flexibility that was 
> inherent in the KDE desktop environment and found the UI to be quite similar 
> to that of Windows at the time. I have briefly tried Gnome and Unity desktop 
> environments but KDE is my personal first choice.
> • If I had a tablet computer that I thought could support my Linux usage it, 
> too, would run Kubuntu Linux, LO, etc.
> • Apple equipment is too expensive for me and from what I've heard about the 
> company's software policies, they are too restrictive to suit me.
> • Dual boot capabilities are seldom used to deviate from the above 
> information.
> • The BSODs on Windows influenced my initial adoption of Linux.

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