On 07/18/2015 06:25 PM, James E Lang wrote:
> The big discussion of Linux over the past 24+ hours has me wondering: What 
> operating environment(s) do other members of this list use at home and at 
> work? What factors influence the choice?
> To set the tone, here are my answers:
> • I am retired so "at work" is not applicable
> • At home we have a desktop dual boot Windows XP (and Ubuntu Linux) computer, 
> a laptop dual boot Kubuntu Linux (and pre-installed Windows Vista) computer 
> and several other laptop, desktop, and dedicated server (Ubuntu Linux based) 
> computers. I also have Android Lollipop, Android Kit Kat, and Android Jelly 
> Bean tablets and phones. I have nothing from Apple.
> • Windows XP is used primarily for single player gaming and e-Sword Bible 
> software though it also is used to run LO, FireFox and Pegasus Mail 
> (proprietary though free of cost).
> • Kubuntu Linux is my general purpose "go to" environment. My first Linux 
> system used what I believe was the penultimate marketed version from SuSE 
> before the first release of Open SuSE. I liked the flexibility that was 
> inherent in the KDE desktop environment and found the UI to be quite similar 
> to that of Windows at the time. I have briefly tried Gnome and Unity desktop 
> environments but KDE is my personal first choice.
> • If I had a tablet computer that I thought could support my Linux usage it, 
> too, would run Kubuntu Linux, LO, etc.
> • Apple equipment is too expensive for me and from what I've heard about the 
> company's software policies, they are too restrictive to suit me.
> • Dual boot capabilities are seldom used to deviate from the above 
> information.
> • The BSODs on Windows influenced my initial adoption of Linux.

At work, I use Windows 7.

At home, I use Ubuntu Linux (64-bit) and have been a Linux devotee for
years.  I first switched from Windows XP to Slackware back in the late
1990s.  I installed Slackware 8 from CD and installed only the base
system and compiler.   Most everything else, I built from sources I
would download, including X11 (XFree86).  :)

I switched to Ubuntu around 7.04 to see what the Linux experience was
like without compiling everything all the time.  Now, I just don't have
the time to build everything from source to keep the system updated.


"The other" Tom

/When we dance, you have a way with me,
Stay with me... Sway with me.../

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