On 07/19/2015 07:52 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
> Hi :) 
> If Win8 started up at the normal desktop (as it can be set to do now)
> and then the Metro stuff is used just as the old;
> "Start" button - "All Programs" 
> Then it's kinda ok - err after adding in new tiles for Kodi,
> LibreOffice, Chrome/Firefox etc, removing quite a lot of the default
> useless ones and moving around all the tiles into something that makes
> some kind of sense and makes useful programs/documents/things easier
> to get to.  Then using the "Windows key" brings up that programs menu. 
> Regards from
> Tom :) 

You know, you raise another point about Windows 8.1 that irks me.  Many,
if not most, think one of the main problems with Windows 8 is/was the
missing "Start" menu.  I truly don't miss the "Start" menu and don't
like any window managers or desktop environments that try to retain that
look/behavior.  I think GNOME shell got it right by having the
"Applications" menu, where one would find the applications they wanted
to run. But I digress... anyway, I don't miss the "Start" menu at all. 
I don't like how Metro has its tiles laid out.  Look at ANY new desktop
or laptop system with Windows 8 pre-installed.  After the initial setup
process, you see the Metro desktop and its tiles.  Where is the MS
Office tile?  Off to the far right somewhere, requiring you to scroll to
see it.  I'm on a *desktop* system and using a Word processor is
something I'm probably going to want to do so why not put the tile for
MS Office in the same set of tiles where you can EASILY access the
online stuff? Stupid strike #1.

When I'm on the desktop "side", I can double-click a photo to see it. 
If I'm not careful, I can get flipped to the Metro "side" and view the
photo.  Cool.  When I'm done looking at the photo, I have no clue what
to do because the "X" to close the "window" isn't in view (I have to
know to move the mouse to the top of the screen to get it to appear). 
Stupid strike #2 (the flip from the desktop to Metro).

Now, these aren't things I've personally struggled with but things I've
personally witnessed many others struggle with as they get new computers
I setup for them.

To be fair, I have no issue with Windows 8's underpinnings and security
changes.  It's mostly the UI behavior I have issue with.  Of course, if
one wants to take the time to learn how to use Windows 8 effectively and
efficiently, more power to them.  I would also state, if they could take
the time to learn how to use Windows 8, they could (and should) take the
time to learn how to use LibreOffice effectively and efficiently instead
of slamming it for not looking or behaving exactly like MS Office.  :)


"The other" Tom

> On 18 July 2015 at 22:59, Tom Williams <tomd...@comcast.net
> <mailto:tomd...@comcast.net>> wrote:
>     On 07/18/2015 11:28 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>     > Hi :)
>     > Something i really appreciate most about Linux is that it's so
>     easy to
>     > change the gui - or more importantly that if you don't like the
>     crazy new
>     > things that have been done to the gui then you can fairly easily
>     go back to
>     > the old one or on to something else entirely.  The under-laying
>     system
>     > remains the same.
>     "Back in the day", I used to have 3 or 4 window managers I used to
>     switch between.  lol
>     As for Windows 8's metro, I mean "modern" UI, I'm not digging it and I
>     never have.
>     "The other" Tom
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