I have installed UbuntuStudio 14.04 i386 on my Dell Inspiron 1750, I use
Shutter 0-93.1    to make tutos with, when I paste it to Libre Office
Writer, see this picture:

Picture LibreOffice http://i.imgur.com/wt0XFSf.png

You see that image have very bad quality. When I do the same in WPS:

Picture WPS Office http://i.imgur.com/NTJbkv6.png

See that the quality is best. Do you can help to no use WPS because this

Also I search and find this:

in this place said that with the use of SVG files solve this, but the
problem is that Shutter not working with SVG files

Ingeniero en Alimentos
Washington Indacochea Delgado

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