Am 08.10.2015 um 03:24 schrieb Yudi Wijaya:
> Dear Andreas,
> First of all.. thank you for your reply :-D
> Your 1st method doesn't work (turn on special number), you're right.. the
> datas are too bad.
> Your 2nd method almost works.. but i think need some modification
> Search: ^\s*\(([[:digit:].]+)\s*%\s*\)\s*$
> Replace: $1%
> I tested it, if the data is (25.24 % ) will replace it with 25.24%
> The problem is LibreOffice only recoqnize 25,24% instead 25.24% (so must
> use "," than ".")
> For example if i change the data into (25 % ), then your regular expression
> correct.
> Do you know how to replace . (dot) with , (comma) ?
> I already tried use English (UK) but can not
> Thanks!
> Best Regards,

The currency comes with comma as thousands separator. This would be in
conflict with any comma as decimal separator.
I would not handle this mess with spreadsheets. First I would blame the
creator of this ugly shit. Ask for clean text data with no leading and
trailing spaces, currency symbols "Rp" in extra columns and proper
numerals. If this is not an option, I would write a simple script to
clean up the mess.

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