-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Madero <jmadero....@gmail.com>
To: toki <toki.kant...@gmail.com>
Cc: users@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Fri, 13 Nov 2015 21:12
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Large spreadsheet does not open in LibreOffice.

On 11/13/2015 08:23 PM, toki wrote:
> On 13/11/2015 19:27, Joel Madero wrote:
>> I have never seen a 150 mb functional spreadsheet before.
> That size is not uncommon in environments where Excel is the only office
> tool that the employees know how to use.

Trust me...I know. I worked somewhere where we had a 750 meg excel file
that crashed multiple times a day and was entirely useless. When I
suggested that someone (meaning I) take the time to do it right....IT
pushed back heavily and was afraid that I'd break something (as if
things weren't already horribly broken....).

I recommend to most people who see their spreadsheets creeping into the
10's to 100's of megs to start looking at how to structure databases and
do things right instead of horrible hacks that tend to have lots of
issues - despite many people trying, a spreadsheet is not a database.

[Joel, although I agree that my 7 MB spreadsheet has gotten unwieldy, I have no 
clue how to design and implement a database to replace the mess. I suspect that 
most users who have these oversized, abused, spreadsheets have the same 
problem. Businesses should be able to hire a database designer but as a retired 
individual I don't have financial resources to even get training in database 
design. So I appear to be stuck. I won't go into any of my spreadsheet's 
details here. Suffice it to say I recognize that it has become a kludge.

At 7,145 KB after about 45 weeks accumulation of data I can see the possibility 
that the .ods file could expand past 8MB for the full year. Then it will start 
over and I'll need to figure out how to carry over some values computed from 
this year's data to the new spreadsheet. -- jl]



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