
On 2016-01-28 00:52, Virgil Arrington wrote:

Setting aside religion, superstition, and science, (and LO) may I
humbly suggest that you might benefit from a lesson in common courtesy
and respect, which all men and women are due, regardless of their
beliefs or whether they choose to express them in a way that others
find inappropriate.

Irrelevant - the OP was proselytising and offensive by posting a sermon which she shouldn't have - that needed to be pointed out.

Sadly, your insistence on belaboring this by insulting everyone who
suggests a more tolerant approach, lacks such common courtesy.

No discourtesy, just making the point that needed to be made and then responding to other ignorant and delusional people who feel compelled to "defend" someone else's sky fairy proselytisation because a logical attack on one sky fairy is an attack on all sky fairies . .

Speaking more pragmatically, I find it ironically interesting that, in
defending your position, you draw even more attention to the very
proselytizing to which you object, by quoting, in full, Nasrim's
original message (which I had long forgot).

"Forgot" (BTW, it should be "forgotten") or preferred to ignore? - it was clearly a sermon and could NOT, in any reasonable sense, be called a signature . . you are desperately trying to avoid dealing with that fact . .

Were I you, I might label
such a tactic, "clueless."

However, I know you don't know how to use English very well so I understand your inability to put forward rational arguments . .

But, I'm not, so I won't for even you
deserve our courtesy and respect.

That sentence doesn't make sense . . but I can translate what you are trying to say and my response is: I'm shattered if I don't have your courtesy or respect . .



On 01/27/2016 07:37 AM, Philip Rhoades wrote:

On 2016-01-27 03:34, Felmon Davis wrote:
On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Philip Rhoades wrote:

Sure - but I will still respond as I originally did if I come across more proselytising (by anyone) . . it is inappropriate and offensive and should not be condoned or encouraged.

by one standard definition of 'proselytize'/'proselytise' your last

"ise" is English English not Yankee English . . clueless . .

several posts are guilty of it.

Then you don't understand what the word means.

I thought 'signatures' were generally off-topic. though I'd keep my
mouth shut, I admit though I'd be wrought up if someone advocated
Microsoft Word! but a 'blessing' from 'sky fairies'? some must have a
terrible time in flu season with all the 'God bless you!' in the air!
anyway, I agree: stop the proselytizing!

You need to learn how to use a dictionary.

(well, except in 'signatures' where it doesn't count).

This was the beginning of the original post:

"in the name of god the most compassionate the most merciful."

This was the end of the original post:

"i have a gift for you for all of you one of the english translations
of the holy quran.
the message of god for all mankind, in the all universe in all times,
the message for salvation of mankind in this world and the hereafter,
the message of monotheism, mercy, compassionate, fraternity, kindness,
justice, friendship, goodness and happiness for all mankind.
the holy quran encourages his followers to appreciate kindness of others.
reply them better or returnthere goodness and do good with the same.
And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet with a better
[greeting] than it or return it; surely Allah takes account of all
for this reason its my duty to be grateful to you, your kindness, for
your great software and efferts for helping other people, and i offer
my gift to you.
for any question about the english translation of the holy quran, for
any question about the islam and your idea andyour  experiment, be in
contact with me.
and for reading more books and morerecognition about islam, please
visit website.
this website has many useful books in different aspects of islam."

As someone else pointed out - this was NOT a signature - it was a SERMON and completely inappropriate and offensive to me and others (and NOT because of the particular superstition being proselytised).


All Hail the Great and Glorious Jibbers Crabst!


On 26 January 2016 at 04:37, Philip Rhoades <> wrote:


On 2016-01-26 07:24, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 01/25/2016 01:40 PM, jomali wrote:

Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic germane to this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot objected to something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely held faith.
There was no intent on Nasrin's part to proselytize or to demean
faith, as Phil's diatribe does.

I tend to agree about signature lines. They can contain all kinds of
things having nothing to do with LO. Sometimes they're funny;

That would be fine . .

times they are informative about the writer. Phil's signature line
includes his address in Australia, which is informative, but has
nothing to do with LO. Nasrin's signature line includes a a few lines
about his Muslim faith,

Another person with low general knowledge . . again I am not surprised . .

also informative but also having nothing to do
with LO.

I pretty much ignore signature lines, and I can't possibly imagine
being offended by one, regardless of what it might say.

a Christian who loves Muslims

And there we have it - another person who has an agenda - they can't criticise someone else for proselytising their superstitious nonsense because they have their own superstitious nonsense . . a person who "loves" someone else but does not even know that the person they "love" is a "she"
and not a "he" . . clueless . .


-- Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
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-- Felmon Davis

Philip Rhoades

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