I found the spell check options in
Tools>Options>Language Settings>Writing Aids>Options
and check or uncheck the various options.

I am using on a Ubuntu 15.10 64bit system.

On 02/17/2016 02:37 PM, Dave Liesse wrote:

I'm still using v4.0.0.3. In this version, at least, I think you can get to the automatic spell check options you're looking for by going to Tools ... Autocorrect Options ... Options (tab). In that screen you have the opportunity to specifiy what corrections are active during typing and during manual correcting.

If that's not what you mean, and you're looking for whether or not spellcheck runs automatically all the time, that's handled through an item on the standard menu bar. You'll see two icons with a check mark and the letters ABC; one of these has a red squiggly line. The one without the line runs spellcheck (just like pressing F7), the other toggles automatic checking on and off.

For a list of shortcut keys go to Help (press F1), search on "keyboard shortcuts", then select "Shortcut Keys for LibreOffice Writer". This gives you a list of the standard shortcuts; it won't show any customized ones.

There doesn't seem to be any foolproof way of setting a file to read-only. You can set a document to be opened read-only by going to File ... Properties ... Security (tab) and checking the "Open file read-only" box. Other users can only open it as read-only, but they can make a copy and then save it with the original file name. To be fair, I think this workaround exists with almost any program, not just LO.


On 2/16/2016 23:35, nasrin khaksar wrote:
hi every one.
i have three questions and hope that you help me in these cases like
previous times.
1/ in libreoffice 4.4 and above, an option added for activate or
deactivate automatic spell check in the tools menu that i can select
whether i want automatic spell check to be checked or not.
whats about version 4.3? how can deactivate automatic spell check in
versions before 4.4?
2/ how can i see full list of libreoffice writer shortcuts?
and 3/ is it possible to save a document in read only mode?
for example: i write and save my document in read only mode to becomes
unchangable like pdf documents?
thanks for your help and god bless you all.

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