I have not found an active forum for developers so I am trying this forum. Perhaps someone know where to post it?

I would like to have a function who finds the first or last occurrence of an item in a cell area.
Something like

   FIND.FIRST(B1:C20,A1) and FIND.LAST(B1:C20,A1)

where A1 contains the needle (what should be found), C1:C20 the search area (the heystack) and if found in C1:C20 returns the value of the corresponding row from B1:B20.

Also FIND.FIRST(B1:B20,A1) where the returned value is the address to the actual cell in B1:B20 will do.

A1 could contain a number value or something like "<5" to find the first occurrence of a number less than 5. Including text would be top.

What could this function be used for?
If I for example are running a shop opening at 7 in the morning with a few employers. (I assume the cash register is connected to Calc). What time of the day is the first sale? If I never sell anything before 10 o'clock, I could save some wages, and consider sleeping 3 hours more in the morning. :-) Or I could find out what day was the first rainy day in June or the first frosty day in the autumn the latest 20 years, or when my wildlife cameras first recognized an elk.

I have not found this function in other spreadsheets, so perhaps Calc will be the first one?

I am now using a walk around, so I am not asking for how to do this calculations. I am only asking for a function to do this in a simpler way.

Kolbjørn Stuestøl

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