Kruno wrote:

 > I find inserting horizontal line quite odd and I avoid it...
 > So you write a paragraph and then go Insert → Horizontal rule and your 
 > paragraph font size shrinks to 6 pt. Why?
Maybe the format for the Horizontal Style has a font size of 6pt in your 

 > If there is necessity for linking bottom border to a paragraph with 
 > small font size or such, why doesn't 'Insert → Horizontal rule' inserts 
 > new (empty) paragraph instead? Why change format of a paragraph which is 
 > not intended to bi changed with action which is not intended for 
 > changing content's formatting?

I would also have expected Insert Horizontal Line to start a new paragraph. 
Instead it changes the current paragraph to paragraph style Horizontal Line. 
Not nice.
Piet van Oostrum <>
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