On 10/04/2016 11:35 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
> Thanks :)  I think it used to be quite noticeable.  Whichever one was open
> first (including quick-starter if that was enabled) would stay fine but the
> 2nd instance wouldn't open, or would get part-way open and then crash.
> I think the problem was caused by LibreOffice and OpenOffice (and i think
> the various forks which have now mostly merged back into LO or AOO afaik)
> using the same command to open;
> soffice
> Since this would attempt to re-open the same program/suite in the same
> program-folder but also trying to be whichever one you'd tried to open 2nd
> it would all get very confusing for the poor machine.  It's possibly
> entirely different from that but that is the way i understood it at the
> time from various people trying to explain it.

Neither of them currently uses soffice.  LibreOffice uses libreoffice
and OpenOffice uses openoffice4.

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