I've created a smallish (200-odd members) membership database in Base. Just in case it's relevant, I populated it with data from a Calc spreadsheet which itself originated as a MS Excel spreadsheet created by my predecessor.

On trying to open the table, I got a no JRE error. I managed to cure that by uninstalling and reinstalling Java, and all went swimmingly until...

Restarted my machine over the weekend. On opening the database it opens in the 'Forms' option. When I attempt to go to the 'Tables' option, I get 'The connection to the data source "<name>" could not be established. No Java installation could be found. Please check your installation" Clicking on 'More' brings up 2 errors: "The connection to the data source "<name>" could not be established." and: "SQL Status: HY000

No Java installation could be found. Please check your installation." The same errors arise when I try to go in to a query and a form that I've created. I have no doubt I could repeat the Java uninstall-reinstall routine and make it work, but I really don't want to have to do that every time I restart my computer, so any help would be welcome.

Installation details:
Build ID: d54a8868f08a7b39642414cf2c8ef2f228f780cf
CPU Threads: 4; OS Version: Windows 6.1; UI Render: default;
Locale: en-GB (en_GB); Calc: group

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit Service Pack 1 (unsure whether any further information would help or how to find it).
Keith Barber

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