On 29-4-2018 17:23, James Knott wrote:
> On 04/29/2018 10:23 AM, Tim-L wrote:
>> There was a question in it about wondering how to get the users of
>> Linux to save LibreOffice files to Microsoft Word formats.
> Why would we want to, unless we had to?  The whole point of the Open
> Document formats was to be a non proprietary method that anyone can
> use.  Unlike MS formats, ODF is fully open.  Perhaps you should go to a
> site called Groklaw and read about all the nonsense with MS forcing
> their new spec through ISO, to make it a standard, when even their own
> implementation didn't comply with it.
> I use ODF formats unless I have a need to use MS, such as uploading
> documents to a web site that does not accept ODF.

You did forget to ask Tim-L what Facebook has to do with this problem ...


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