On 04/29/2018 01:17 PM, Luuk wrote:

On 29-4-2018 17:23, James Knott wrote:
On 04/29/2018 10:23 AM, Tim-L wrote:
There was a question in it about wondering how to get the users of
Linux to save LibreOffice files to Microsoft Word formats.
Why would we want to, unless we had to?  The whole point of the Open
Document formats was to be a non proprietary method that anyone can
use.  Unlike MS formats, ODF is fully open.  Perhaps you should go to a
site called Groklaw and read about all the nonsense with MS forcing
their new spec through ISO, to make it a standard, when even their own
implementation didn't comply with it.

I use ODF formats unless I have a need to use MS, such as uploading
documents to a web site that does not accept ODF.

You did forget to ask Tim-L what Facebook has to do with this problem ...

I read a "question" about LibreOffice and then answered it.  From that last statement, it could seem to be a negative response of unfriendly people. I hope that is was meant as a joke.

Who can afford to buy MS Office these days.

So, if your kids need to write papers that require MS Office formats, then Open Document Formats will not do.  I know that over half of our local schools still have a MSO that did not even think about supporting a .odt document. So you either need to save it as DOC or DOCX to work with those computers.

Why Facebook?  Well I was talking about using Linux for its security option of needing a Root Password to install packages. Just give the users Firefox, Skype, and LibreOffice.  Thats it. Then there was the comment about not remembering how to make sure the users defaulted to MSO formats, instead of trying to remember to save it to DOC/DOCX instead of ODT.

You would not believe that info, and questions, that get on a Facebook Linux support group. One thread I am keep monitoring is what is the best distro of Linux and why.

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