At 10:20 29/04/2018 -0700, Tom Williams wrote:
I don't help many LibreOffice on Linux users but I do help a number of LibreOffice on Windows users and I usually configure LibreOffice to save in Microsoft formats, by default.

Please don't.

Most of these people don't understand different file formats and want to be able to "just send" files to friends, family, or other members of a group or something. Being a Linux user, myself, I save files in Microsoft format only when I *know* I need to send a Word or Excel file to someone else. Otherwise, any files I need to send to people are saved as PDF.

I don't see the relevance of your reference to being a Linux user: there is none. Surely this is the way to work independently of the operating system being used? (Or colour of computer? Or day of the week?)

Since you are capable enough to know exactly how best to act in this matter, surely you are a good enough teacher to bring your pupils up to your standard of use? You do them a disservice by allowing them only a poorer technique than your own.

Brian Barker

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