On 07/12/2018 04:12 AM, Brian Barker
      19:30 11/07/2018 -0400, Carl Winerich wrote:It's back to the same old 
question; ...Indeed so - and the answer is very much the same as on the
      previous two occasions you have asked this.In a calendar, how can I put 
the day's
        date (number only) and week number and day-number-of-the-year in
        one cell?To put multiple items in one cell, you must concatenate the
      individual values. You can do this using the CONCATENATE()
      function:=CONCATENATE(one;two;three)or probably more easily using 
theoperator:=onetwothree- whereone,two, andthreerepresent your
      items - references or formulae.Note that you will have to take care of 
spacing, so you may need
      something like=one" "two" "threeinstead.Note that concatenation - 
expressed either way - both requires and
      produces text items. If you pass it numeric values, these are
      converted to text automatically on the fly. If you want more
      control over exactly how a value is represented, you may want to
      do the conversion yourself, using the TEXT() function, which
      allows you to specify the format of the converted value. So if you
      wanted, say, all your dates to appear as two-digit numbers, so the
      first of the month was "01" instead of just "1", your formula
      might start=TEXT(one;"00")" "...Particularly in cell A5, B5...etc which
        are all cells that contain only the day number of the month.
        Here's a link to the Calc calendar template I'm trying to 
use-https://extensions.libreoffice.org/templates/calendar-creatorThe template 
is very useful and I don't want to interfere or
        mess up the calendar creation - which it does perfectly.You'll have to 
puzzle out how to derive formulae for the required
      two new values for yourself, unless the answers are buried
      somewhere in the existing template. The functions WEEKNUM(),
      WEEKNUMADD(), and DAYS() may help. You can read the existing
      formulae in your template by selecting relevant cells and looking
      in the Input Line for each, of course.I trust this helps.Brian 
BarkerBrian,I understand the WEEKNUM, and DAYS functions. Maybe the real 
problem is within the cell A5?Existing cell (for the month of February) has the 
        formula;=$G30-$H30+$D32+$E32+COLUMN(A5)That stuff points to various 
parts of the spreadsheet and
        returns the correct numeric day number of the month.When I try to 
concat it with, say, =DAYS then Err:510 appears in
        the cell.  Any variation of the data produces a similar 
        "=DAYS(A5,$January.A5)+1I've successfully used concat or =text...etc as 
you suggested
        and placed the formula in other blank cells in an unused portion
        of the spreadsheet and have obtained the desired result.  But
        for simplicity it would be best to have the formula and result
        in the correct cell.Any ideas?Thank you,Carl
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