On 22.06.2019 13:52, Eustace Fril wrote:
>  The menu bar of LO is all white, I cannot see anything except when I click
> on an item.
> I have Windows 10 and use High Contrast yellow on black colors.
> I've tried to get Firefox themes, but I wasn't able. It says:
> Cannot open
> htpps://services....
> Please try again later.
> This problem is not new. Several months ago when I first downloaded LO I
> encountered it, and in fact it made me delay starting using LO because of
> this issue.
> I came to understand that I shouldn't expect this issue to be fixed in the
> foreseeable future. So I downloaded a theme on my desktop (*.xpi). Is it
> possible to install it manually in some folder?
> Thanks,
> Eustace

The Firefox personas/themes in LO have been broken for a very long time.
There are a few optimistic sounding notes posted on Bugzilla, but as
noted you "/shouldn't expect this issue to be fixed in the foreseeable

If you have a recent version of LO installed, you will find 6 "personas"
in the LO installation directory C:\Program
They appear in the LibreOffice -> Options -> Personalization as
"/Preinstalled themes/".
Here is a workaround I have used to overcome this LO defect:

  * Pick one of the "/Preinstalled themes/" and apply it. For
    illustration purposes only I am using "/Sand/".
  * Shut LO down
  * Take the .xpi you downloaded and unzip it to any convenient folder.
  * Most likely the .xpi contains 3 graphic jpg or png files ( 1 - 200
    px high, 1 -100 px high and preview image)
  * Copy the 200px high and the 100px high files over to C:\Program
  * If you get a message asking to overwrite, answer YES. Otherwise
    delete the existing "Header.png" and "Footer.png" files and rename
    the files extracted from the .xpi as "Header.png" and "Footer.png".
  * If they are jpeg images rename them "Header.jpg" and "Footer.jpg"
    and edit the 5th line of C:\Program
  * Restart LO and your theme should be displayed.

You say that you using a high contrast setting, in which case you might
need to tweak some of the 2 color settings in the C:\Program
Files\LibreOffice\share\gallery\personas\personas_list.txt file.

NOTE: Once you have a working configuration, make a backup copy of your
chosen theme (eg. sand), because it will not survive any LO update.

Hop this helps.


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