I think that the correct answer is that you simply write your own function. 

That way you do not need to copy the long messy function and replace some text. 

Based on what you just said, however, assume that the intent is that you will 
modify the active cell to refernece the values in question. That would look 
something like this: (now I go see if i can make it work). 

And much hinges on how fancy / smart you want to make the portion that figures 
out what cell is selected. Remember, it is possible that you select a range 
when you run the macro, but..... I know this is wrong because on my machine it 
complains about the "md" parameter, but I will not try to figure that out, it 
is 11:00 PM and I have not had my dinner yet. 

I hope that this helps at least a little bit. But this places the formula where 
you need it, you just need to (1) figure out how to call it and (2) what that 
formula needs to be.

Let me know what you figure out. 

  Dim s As String
  Dim sNew As String
  Dim sNewDates As String
  sNewDates = "D1, D2"
  sNewDates = InputBox ("Please enter Date Cells Example D2,D1:")
  ' Assume for a moment that you do want to do a simple string substitution. 
  ' This will ONLY work if you are consistent on how "A2, A1" is represented in 
the string. 
  ' The code you sent, it was not consistent. It was "A2, A2", A2 ,A2", and 
  ' This example is consistent. 
  ' Two double quotes works as an embedded double quote, so: 
  s = "=IF(DATEDIF( A2, A1,""y""),IF(DATEDIF( A2, A1,""y"")=1,""1 Year 
"",DATEDIF( A2, A1,""y"")&"" Years ""),"""")&IF(MOD(DATEDIF(A2, A1 
,""m""),12),IF(MOD(DATEDIF( A2, A1,""m""),12)=1,""1 Month "",MOD(DATEDIF(A2, A1 
,""m""),12)&"" Months ""),"""")&IF(DATEDIF(A2, A1 ,""md""),IF(DATEDIF( A2, 
A1,""md"")=1,""1 Day "",DATEDIF(A2, A1,""md"")&"" Days""),"""")"

  ' You want to make a substitution. 
  ' This gives you the string of interest. 
  sNew = Replace(s, "A2, A1", sNewDates)
  Print sNew

  ' That said, what if you just do the entire calculation without using fancy 
  ' Even easier, you could write a function that is called from Calc and pass 
in two dates. 
   Dim sDateCells()
   sDateCells = Split(sNewDates, ",")
   If UBound(sDateCells) <> 1 Then
     Print "Expected two dates"
     Exit Sub
   End If

  ' Get the current active sheet
   Dim oSheet
   oSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getActiveSheet()
  Dim oRanges       'A blank range created by the document
  Dim oActiveCell   'The current active cell

  REM Force a single cell selection and discard the existing multi-selection if 
there is one. 
  REM Create an empty SheetCellRanges service and then select it.
  REM This leaves ONLY the active cell selected.
  oRanges = ThisComponent.createInstance("com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRanges")

  REM Get the active cell!
  oActiveCell = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection

On Saturday, July 04, 2020 20:27 EDT, "Michael D. Setzer II" 
<msetze...@gmail.com> wrote:
 Basically, I want the macro to be able to work completely on its own.
Agree that having to do the steps with the F2 and other keys is a problem.
Not sure why the recorder refuses to record those steps??

The original formula is

But to use the formula in a different location or with dates in different 
locations would require one to manually edit the formula and change all the
A2,A1 settings to the new settings. Doing it 9 times.

Thus the macro prompts for the new addresses, and changes them all.
Problem is it leaves the formula contents displayed rather than the result??
Requiring the use of the F2 key and other keys.

Have found the copy paste isn't required, but it changes the manual key options
require to get the results.

sub Z2
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem define variables
dim documentas object
dim dispatcher as object
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem get access to the document
document= ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService(com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper)

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim sText
sText = InputBox (Please enter Date Cells Example D2,D1:)

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args1(0).Name =StringName
_,DATEDIF(A2,A1,_y_)_ Years
Month _,MOD(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_m_),12)_ Months
_),__)IF(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_),IF(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_)=1,_1 Day
_,DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_)_ Days_),__),A2,A1,chr$(34)sTextchr$(34)),_,CHAR(34))

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document,.uno:EnterString,, 0, args1())
msgbox (To complete process,+chr$(13)+Formula Press F2 then F9 then
Enter then Enter+ chr$(13)+For Text Result Press F2 then F9 then Enter then
F9 then Enter then Enter)

end sub

The ideal would be that the macro does the whole thing rether than requiring
the user to press 4 or 6 additional key strokes??

On 5 Jul 2020 at 1:33, Regina Henschel wrote:

Subject:Re: [libreoffice-users] Confused with Macro
From:Regina henschelrb.hensc...@t-online.de
Date sent:Sun, 5 Jul 2020 01:33:10 +0200

Hi Michael,

your post is hard to understand. Please write, what you want to achieve
with your macro.

Kind regards

Michael D. Setzer II schrieb am 05-Jul-20 um 00:30:
Been doing a lot of googling, but finding lots of stuff, but nothing that works?
Have done a lot of versions and this is the latest one.
The record process does not allow for the use of the F2 key, so as is, it
results in the original args1(0).Value being in the cell?
After the macro ends, I've found that if I manually press F2 then a space and
enter it puts the formula as I originally wanted? F2 and enter does nothing??
I've also found that if I manually do F2 F9 Enter Enter, it will place just the
final text result in cell.

Seems there use to be a Keypress option, that would allow for simulating
keys, but that has been deprecated?
Also, found pages that talk about API stuff to modify cells, but the two I tried
did nothing?

Am I missing something??

Note: In string I replaced the originals with _ because it kept giving me
messages about unbalanced ()?? That got rid of the errors, and then just
converted them back?

Not and important macro, but was just hoping to find a way to make it work
the way I originally planned. Just playing around with stuff.

Thanks. Perhaps I am overlooking something very simple..

sub Z1
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem define variables
dim documentas object
dim dispatcher as object
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem get access to the document
document= ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService(com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper)

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim sText
sText = InputBox (Please enter Date Cells Example D2,D1:)

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args1(0).Name =StringName
args1(0).Value =
A1,_y_)=1,_1 Year _,DATEDIF(A2,A1,_y_)_ Years
2)=1,_1 Month _,MOD(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_m_),12)_ Months
_),__)IF(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_),IF(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_)=1,_1 Day
_,DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_)_ Days_),__),A2,A1,chr$(34)sText

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document,.uno:EnterString,, 0, args1())

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document,.uno:Copy,, 0, Array())

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Cut contents of cell to avoid the overwrite message
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document,.uno:Cut,, 0, Array())

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dim args2(5) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args2(0).Name =Flags
args2(0).Value =SVD
args2(1).Name =FormulaCommand
args2(1).Value = 0
args2(2).Name =SkipEmptyCells
args2(2).Value = false
args2(3).Name =Transpose
args2(3).Value = false
args2(4).Name =AsLink
args2(4).Value = false
args2(5).Name =MoveMode
args2(5).Value = 4

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document,.uno:InsertContents,, 0, args2())
msgbox (To complete process,+chr$(13)+Formula Press F2 then Space
then Enter+ chr$(13)+For Text Result Press F2 then F9 then Enter then

end sub

Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor (Retired)
Guam - Where America's Day Begins
G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer

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