Take a look at these and read the comments. 

Sub StrSubTest
  Dim s As String
  Dim sNew As String
  Dim sNewDates As String
  sNewDates = "D1, D2"
  sNewDates = InputBox ("Please enter Date Cells Example D2,D1:")
  ' Assume for a moment that you do want to do a simple string substitution. 
  ' This will ONLY work if you are consistent on how "A2, A1" is represented in 
the string. 
  ' The code you sent, it was not consistent. It was "A2, A2", A2 ,A2", and 
  ' This example is consistent. 
  ' Two double quotes works as an embedded double quote, so: 
  s = "=IF(DATEDIF( A2, A1,""y""),IF(DATEDIF( A2, A1,""y"")=1,""1 Year 
"",DATEDIF( A2, A1,""y"")&"" Years ""),"""")&IF(MOD(DATEDIF(A2, A1 
,""m""),12),IF(MOD(DATEDIF( A2, A1,""m""),12)=1,""1 Month "",MOD(DATEDIF(A2, A1 
,""m""),12)&"" Months ""),"""")&IF(DATEDIF(A2, A1 ,""md""),IF(DATEDIF( A2, 
A1,""md"")=1,""1 Day "",DATEDIF(A2, A1,""md"")&"" Days""),"""")"

  ' You want to make a substitution. 
  ' This gives you the string of interest. 
  sNew = Replace(s, "A2, A1", sNewDates)
  Print sNew

  ' That said, what if you just do the entire calculation without using fancy 
  ' Even easier, you could write a function that is called from Calc and pass 
in two dates. 
   Dim sDateCells()
   sDateCells = Split(sNewDates, ",")
   If UBound(sDateCells) <> 1 Then
     Print "Expected two dates"
     Exit Sub
   End If

  ' Get the current active sheet
   Dim oSheet
   oSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getActiveSheet()
   Dim dCellValue1 As Date
   Dim dCellValue2 As Date
   Dim oCell1, oCe112
   dCellValue1 = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(Trim(sDateCells(0))).getValue()
   dCellValue2 = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(Trim(sDateCells(1))).getValue()
   Print MyFancyDateDiffString(dCellValue1, dCellValue2)

End Sub

' I could call this using: 
' And I would get my answer. You would want to store the macro in the Standard 
library of either your macros
' or for the Calc document that calls it (because the standard library is 
always available without specifically loading it
Function MyFancyDateDiffString(d1 As Date, d2 As Date) As String
  Dim dFirst As Date
  Dim dLast As Date
  Dim dDateDiff As Date
  Dim iFirstYear As Integer
  Dim iLastYear As Integer
  If d1 < d2 Then 
    dFirst = d1
    dLast = d2
    dFirst = d2
    dLast = d1
  End If
  ' Convert dates to a double precision floating point number and then subract 
  d = CDbl(dLast) - CDbl(dFirst)
  dDateDiff = dLast - dFirst

  ' This is where things get tricky. I can convert the date to a floating point 
  ' which gives me the number of days (as the whole portion of the number), but 
then I 
  ' need to worry about things such as leap years and similar. I could just be 
dumb about it
  ' and then truncate the answer or something like this: 
  ' Print Fix(cDbl(dDateDiff) / 365)
  ' The year function will get things mostly correct, but it assumes a specific 
starting point.
  ' I will not bother to look into this further, but I simply subtract 1900 and 
call it good for now. 
  ' I could get fancy and make checks to deal with "0 years", "0 months", or "0 
days", but I won't. 
  MyFancyDateDiffString = "" & Year(dDateDiff) - 1900 & " years " & 
Month(dDateDiff) & " months " & Day(dDateDiff) & " days"
End Function

On Saturday, July 04, 2020 21:41 EDT, "Michael D. Setzer II" 
<msetze...@gmail.com> wrote:
  Had a sheet that has two dates and calculate the difference between the 
dates.  07/05/202004/11/196060 Years 2 Months 24 Days The formula 
being:=IF(DATEDIF( A2, A1,"y"),IF(DATEDIF( A2, A1,"y")=1,"1 Year ",DATEDIF( A2, 
A1,"y")&" Years "),"")&IF(MOD(DATEDIF(A2 ,A1 ,"m"),12),IF(MOD(DATEDIF( A2, 
A1,"m"),12)=1,"1 Month ",MOD(DATEDIF(A2 ,A1 ,"m"),12)&" Months 
"),"")&IF(DATEDIF(A2 ,A1 ,"md"),IF(DATEDIF( A2, A1,"md")=1,"1 Day ",DATEDIF(A2 
,A1 ,"md")&" Days"),"") That excludes years months and days if value of unit is 
0, and also makes the context singular if value is 1. Short version that just 
puts the values is:=DATEDIF( A2, A1,"y")&" Years "&MOD(DATEDIF( A2, 
A1,"m"),12)&" Months "&DATEDIF(A2 ,A1 ,"md")&" Days" Originally wanted to just 
copy the formula, and change the A2,A1 to the new values. Recording it worked 
just fine, and did everything correctly in the recording process, but the play 
back didn't include the last steps using the F2 key. I've just now done a new 
version that does seem to work, but it made the process a lot longer... Was a 
mess getting all the "s correct, but it seems to work the way I want, just 
required manually replacing each value versus using the search and replace 
substitute command?? sub Z3rem 
define variablesdim document   as objectdim dispatcher as objectrem 
----------------------------------------------------------------------rem get 
access to the documentdocument   = 
ThisComponent.CurrentController.Framedispatcher = 
createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper") rem 
----------------------------------------------------------------------dim sText 
sText = InputBox ("Please enter Date Cells Example D2,D1:") rem 
args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValueargs1(0).Name = 
"StringName"args1(0).Value = "=IF(DATEDIF(" & sText & ",""y""),IF(DATEDIF(" & 
sText & ",""y"")=1,""1 Year "",DATEDIF(" & sText & " ,""y"")&"" Years 
""),"""")&IF(MOD(DATEDIF(" & sText & ",""m""),12),IF(MOD(DATEDIF(" & sText & 
",""m""),12)=1,""1 Month "",MOD(DATEDIF(" & sText & ",""m""),12)&"" Months 
""),"""")&IF(DATEDIF(" & sText & ",""md""),IF(DATEDIF(" & sText & 
",""md"")=1,""1 Day "",DATEDIF(" & sText & " ,""md"")&"" Days""),"""")"  
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:EnterString", "", 0, args1()) end 
sub     On 4 Jul 2020 at 20:54, Andrew Pitonyak wrote: From:                 
"Andrew Pitonyak" <and...@pitonyak.org>Date sent:          Sat, 04 Jul 2020 
20:54:34 -0400Copies to:          users@global.libreoffice.orgTo:               
      Michael D. Setzer II <msetze...@gmail.com>Subject:             Re: 
[libreoffice-users] Confused with Macro                            results?? > 
> > Might I ask what you want the macro to do? Your macro confuses me a bit...> 
> That said, the actual API has a very harsh learning curve (in my opinion). If 
I rip apart what I see, > I would guess the following:> > The user enters some 
text, which represents a set of cells separated by a comma.> > Next, you do 
things with these cells based on a very complicated formula. I am not familiar 
with > the EnterString dispatch off hand, but I assume that it places whatever 
this string is into a cell.> > Next you call the dispatcher to Copy to the 
clipboard followed by Cutting to the clipboard. That > seems redundant.> > > 
Next you have InsertContents, again, a dispatch command with which I have no 
familiarity, but, > off hand it looks like it is probably doing something 
similar to "Paste", but I am just guessing.> > So, what do you really want to 
accomplish?> > > > On Saturday, July 04, 2020 18:30 EDT, "Michael D. Setzer II" 
<msetze...@gmail.com> wrote:> >     Been doing a lot of googling, but finding 
lots of stuff, but nothing >     that works?>     Have done a lot of versions 
and this is the latest one.>     The record process does not allow for the use 
of the F2 key, so as >     is, it>     results in the original args1(0).Value 
being in the cell?>     After the macro ends, I've found that if I manually 
press F2 then a >     space and>     enter it puts the formula as I originally 
wanted? F2 and enter does >     nothing??>     I've also found that if I 
manually do F2 F9 Enter Enter, it will place >     just the>     final text 
result in cell.>     >     Seems there use to be a Keypress option, that would 
allow for >     simulating>     keys, but that has been deprecated?>     Also, 
found pages that talk about API stuff to modify cells, but the >     two I 
tried>     did nothing?>     >     Am I missing something??>     >     Note: In 
string I replaced the original "s with _ because it kept >     giving me >     
messages about unbalanced ()?? That got rid of the errors, and >     then just> 
    converted them back?>     >     Not and important macro, but was just 
hoping to find a way to >     make it work>     the way I originally planned. 
Just playing around with stuff. >     >     Thanks. Perhaps I am overlooking 
something very simple..>     >     >     sub Z1>     rem 
---------------------------------------------------------------------->     rem 
define variables>     dim document as object>     dim dispatcher as object>     
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------->     
rem get access to the document>     document = 
ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame>     dispatcher = >     
createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")>     >     rem 
---------------------------------------------------------------------- >     
dim sText>     sText = InputBox ("Please enter Date Cells Example D2,D1:")>     
>     rem 
---------------------------------------------------------------------->     dim 
args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue>     args1(0).Name = 
"StringName" >     args1(0).Value =>     
A1,_y_)=1,_1 Year _,DATEDIF(A2,A1,_y_)&_ Years>     
_),__)&IF(MOD(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_m_),12),IF(MOD(DATEDIF(A2,>     A1,_m_),1>     
2)=1,_1 Month _,MOD(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_m_),12)&_ Months>     
_),__)&IF(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_),IF(DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_)=1,_>     1 Day>     
_,DATEDIF(A2,A1,_md_)&_ Days_),__)"",""A2,A1""," & chr$(34) >     & sText &>    
 chr$(34) & "),""_"",CHAR(34))">     >     dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, 
".uno:EnterString", "", 0, >     args1())>     >     rem 
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Copy", "", 0, Array())>     >     
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >    
 REM Cut contents of cell to avoid the overwrite message>     
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Cut", "", 0, Array())>     >     rem 
---------------------------------------------------------------------->     dim 
args2(5) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue >     args2(0).Name = "Flags"> 
    args2(0).Value = "SVD">     args2(1).Name = "FormulaCommand">     
args2(1).Value = 0>     args2(2).Name = "SkipEmptyCells">     args2(2).Value = 
false>     args2(3).Name = "Transpose">     args2(3).Value = false>     
args2(4).Name = "AsLink">     args2(4).Value = false>     args2(5).Name = 
"MoveMode">     args2(5).Value = 4>     >     
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertContents", "", >     0, 
args2())>     msgbox ("To complete process,"+chr$(13)+" Formula Press F2 >     
then Space >     then Enter" + chr$(13)+"For Text Result Press F2 then F9 then 
>     Enter then>     Enter")>     >     end sub>     >     
+------------------------------------------------------------+>     Michael D. 
Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor (Retired)>     mailto:mi...@guam.net >  
   mailto:msetze...@gmail.com>     Guam - Where America's Day Begins>     G4L 
Disk Imaging Project maintainer>     http://sourceforge.net/projects/g4l/>     
+------------------------------------------------------------+>     >     >     
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