On 22/09/2020 14:17, Philip Jackson wrote:
> On 21/09/2020 22:48, Dave Howorth wrote:
>> Well the diagram in the book also has the buttons at the bottom in a
>> different order. Either they used a different version of the software,
>> or maybe a different desktop environment. The joy of linux:)
>> But no, there are no underlines on the selections in [my] real life.
> Nor mine -  on
> Philip

That suggests you are running Linux.

The image Dave is referring to was taken from a Windows 7 install of the
Calc Guide 6.2. We (The Documentation Team) always take captures of the
guide we are writing about. As much as we would like to, we cannot cover
every possible visual difference between each operating system.

The conclusion to this thread is that Ctrl+- opens the dialog in both
Linux and Windows (cannot speak for macOS), but the D key only functions
as described by Brian under Windows, which is why Linux users don't see
the underline. Although less convenient, Linux users can use the up and
down arrow keys can be used to select the required option.


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