Reuti wrote:
Ursula Winkler wrote:
Well, obviously the SGE doesn't find ANY path - the epilog routine is also not found. Has anybody seen such an behaviour before?

Can you submit a simple job with:

df -h

The job script is executed with the same environment like the prolog,... Inside 
the jobscript you can access /bin/true and execute it?
"df -h" within the job-file is executed and shows also that all shares are there. So the path is found within a job.

I have a suspicion: when I compiled the SGE I did it with Berkeleydb "db4-devel" by CentOS and did not install the version from . Maybe this is the problem? What is preferred: spooling with berkeley or classic? I never tried classic spooling so I cannot say if there any disadvantages. Is it better to make a new install of the master with classic spooling?


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