Hi all,

We've been using GridEngine for several years now, currently OGS
2011.11p1 on Fedora 20 installed from Fedora RPMs.  Our job mix is
mostly embarassingly parallel - we use array jobs to dispatch up to 100
tasks, each of which might require 1, 16, 32, or 64 cores.  Each job
takes up a significant amount of our cluster, so that only a few jobs
are typically active at one time, though there may be a couple of dozen
pending.  Up recently, FIFO scheduling has worked fine for us.  But now
one of the groups has come to me with a request for a refinement in the
scheduling.  Here's the scenario:

The team has started submitting batches of 10 to 20 such jobs at a time.
While the work isn't done until all 20 jobs complete, analysis of
results can start as soon as the first job completes.  With default
scheduling, if Alice qsubs here 10 jobs first, and Bob qsubs his jobs a
minute later, Bob still needs to wait a couple of hours to get the
results from his first job.

Since there's only so much time Bob can spend at the foosball table
before the Big Cheese starts thinking he's goofing off, the team has
requested is that I implement scheduling such that Bob's first job(s)
will run as soon as possible (probably after one of Alice's early jobs
has completed), and the cluster resources will be (very roughly) split
between the two of them.  And if Carol comes along with a similar set of
jobs, that her first job(s) would run as soon as one of Alice's or Bob's
finishes, and then cluster resources would be split three ways (very
roughly) between them.  And similarly if David comes along and adds his
jobs to the mix, then resources get roughly split four ways.

Anyway, I *think* this can be achieved using user functional tickets.
Is that a reasonable assumption?  Or is job submission time going to
jump in there and mess things up in some way?

As a related question, is it possible to set a default number of tickets
per user?  Since all users are on a level playing field, this would
eliminate hassles of adding/editing new users as they join the

                                        Thanks very much!

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