I could be wrong Chris but I think the prolog runs in a separate parent/child 
process tree than the job.  You could put this kind of functionality into a 
starter_method where it does the NFS mounts and chroot actions then just runs 
the job script.  the $JOB_ID will be in the environment and you can just take 
the rest of the command line arguments with $@ and pass them through.  For an 
example of ‘something similar’ not exactly what you asked about but similar, 
have a look at Daniel Gruber’s blog entry:   

I see that Fritz replied as well with a slightly different answer.



> On Jun 8, 2016, at 7:00 AM, Chris Dagdigian <d...@sonsorol.org> wrote:
> Hey folks -- need my brain refreshed on prolog behavior ...
> Trying to figure out if a prolog script would be suitable for dramatically 
> changing the execution environment -- doing things like NFS filesystem 
> unmounts or chroot actions so that an incoming job would execute in the 
> changed environment.
> I can see the prolog running as 'me' and as a child of the sge_shepherd 
> daemon but I don't have enough of a test lab setup to confirm that the prolog 
> is running on the execution host and if the parent/child process relationship 
> is such that chroot jail actions performed by a prolog would be where the 
> jobscript ends up running....
> Anyone have a quick answer? Thanks!
> Chris
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