Executive Benefits Resources wrote:
Sorry for the most elemental of situations but I am new to the web
development arena and am interested in building WB-database applications
for friends and family.  I used to be a programmer back in the early
70's (BAL, COBOL, FORTRAN, RPG, CRTs linked to mainframes, you get the
picture) and I got nominated to build a web-based hobby/business.

I operate on a home network consisting of a laptop with MS-Office XP
Standard and a desktop (my son's) with MS-Office XP Professional, both
of which are Version 2002.  I am PC literate as it relates to MS Office,
Excel, Word and PowerPoint and have never done anything through MS DOS.
I have high speed internet through Road Runner.

I would like to initially build a web server and applications on my home
network for learning/experimenting (no one but me will have access)
before I venture out of my box.

From my initial very broad-based reading, it seems I should work with
Apache, PHP and MySQL as well learn the basics of HTML and SQL which I
have already started.

Does anyone have sources you can point me to and/or thoughts on how best
to proceed without feeling totally overwhelmed moving forward with my
new ambition?

Thanks for any empathy and I apologize if there was a better forum for
my question,


Welcome, Dave.

I concur that the Apache, PHP, MySQL platform is the preferred route to take.

Both PHP and MySQL have excellent references on their web sites (complete with search facilities and user comments). In addition, both have very active and responsive mailing lists.



If you have ever considered getting into Linux, this would be an excellent time to do so. Most Linux distributions include Apache, PHP, and MySQL -- all integrated and configured and ready to go. (The resulting combination is known as the LAMP platform -- for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP -- and is the most popular web development platform around.)

You should also be sure to have a good basic understanding of the HTTP protocol. Of all the prototcols in use on the Internet, HTTP is one of the simplest, but many developers skip this step ... to their detriment.

Beyond that, rather than list a lot of resources, let me just say:
--The Internet is full of excellent resources on web development
--Google is your friend

Good luck!

--John Hicks

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