Title: Apache 2.0.55 as reverse proxy and SSL Session caching


I'm using Apache 2.0.55 (with OpenSSL 0.9.8a) as a reverse proxy to several remote HTTPS webservers with SSLProxyEngine On. Local clients use Apache as a HTTP webserver. The clients are making a new connection for each request. (The remote servers are on an untrusted network, the clients are on a trusted network.)

One Apache configuration is used as a webserver instance which contacts several remote HTTPS webservers.

My question are:
- does Apache reuse SSL sessions which are established with the remote HTTPS webservers?
- (if so) does it adhere to the setting specified in SSLSessionCache?

regards Henk Fictorie
Henk Fictorie - KPN.com
phone: +31 70 3438362
mobile: +31 6 51379479

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