Sascha Kersken wrote:

You actually have to buy another piece of software to
support ASP.NET under Linux with Apache.  I don't
remember the name of the software.

That's mod_adpdotnet which you don't actually have to buy because it's free software under the terms of the Apache Software License. See

I think what Jonathan ment is that there is a commercial ASP for Apache product
out there (chili or something).  Quite dated.

ASP is dead.  Microsoft has declared ASP dead, which makes it rather silly to
figure out how to use a dead Microsoft technology on a non-Microsoft solution.
Bury it already and move on to ASP.NET which brings with it plenty of 

For Linux, one would need mod_mono for ASP.NET script.  For Windows you are
correct, Apache can use mod_aspdotnet, which is pending a release very shortly
for Apache 2.0 + 2.2 (the current release and snapshot only run on Apache 2.0).

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