I'm trying to set up Apache virtual hosts on my new MacBook Pro, and I think I'm almost there, but I'm hitting a snag somewhere. I get the standard Apache greeting when I type http://localhost/ into my browser, but I when I type in the name of one of my websites - http://Geobop/ - it defaults to my ONLINE website, www.geobop.org.

Here are the steps I followed...

I copied my websites from my PC, locating them at /Library/Webserver/Documents. The site I'm experimenting with is at /Library/Webserver/Documents/Geobop.

I copied my httpd.conf file to my Desktop, modified it with TextEdit, then used Terminal to copy it back to its original location (/private/etc/httpd), so it now looks like this:

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName Geobop
ServerAlias Geobop *.Geobop
DocumentRoot /Library/Webserver/Documents/Geobop

I also opened NetInfo Manager and added Geobop under "machines". So under machines, I now have the following...

XAMPP (which I'll try to delete)

In the bottom window, Geobop and localhost both register for ip_address, ./local for "serves."

I thought the problem might relate to PHP, as Geobop's home page is index.php. But I copied a file named index.html into the folder, with the same results.

Any idea where I went wrong? Thanks.

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