
I have an Apache 2.2.2 setup on a Redhat box. Caching is implemented using mod_mem_cache.
Apache was built to use worker MPM. Here are the relevant sections from httpd.conf

# mod_cache/mod_mem_cache settings
<IfModule cache_module>
<IfModule mem_cache_module>
   CacheEnable mem /
   CacheStoreNoStore On
   MCacheSize  4096
   MCacheMaxObjectCount 200
   MCacheMinObjectSize 1
   MCacheMaxObjectSize 524288

# Worker MPM settings
<IfModule mpm_worker_module>
StartServers 1
MaxClients 250
ThreadsPerChild 50
MinSpareThreads 25
MaxSpareThreads 75

When I startup Apache, I notice there are multiple httpd( 1 parent and 2 child ) instances.
Question I had is,

1. Does this mean that at any time there are could be multiple memory caches equal to the number of running
httpd instances ? or is the cache somehow shared between child processes ?

2. How are requests handled ? For instance, do all requests go the first child process, till it has no
more free threads at which point the the second child process is called into action ?

Any insight, suggestions or assistance with this would be very much

Thank you.


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