I hope this isn't a case of the blind leading the blind, but it looks like
your config file is simply missing the part you want: for the user's URL
to remain the same you need to include ProxyPassReverse.  ProxyPass as you
discovered, initiates the handoff to your other services.  Your first
entry would look more like this:

 <VirtualHost wiki1.mydomain.com:80>
         ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         ServerName wiki1.mydomain.com
         ProxyPass /
         ProxyPassReverse /

Don't ask me why there isn't a ProxyPassAndReverse command, but the above
works.  There may be another issue with you using the DNS name in the
VirtualHost tag, eg.
 <VirtualHost wiki1.mydomain.com:80>
But someone more versed in networking and Apache2 had a fix for my own
configuration wrt that.

Good luck,


Marco Mans said:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to configure some wiki-sites but I don't get it to work.
> First I will explain the server configuration:
> I got a internet connection with only 1 IP-Address. My ISP configured
> 2 domains (wiki1.mydomain.com and wiki2.mydomain.com) that are BOTH
> pointing to my IP-adress.
> I installed 3 servers:
>  1) General Apache webserver
>  2) MediaWiki-server (Apache)
>  3) MoinMoin-server (Apache)
> On my router I configured a NAT/PAT-rule that redirects all calls on
> port 80 to server 1 (General Apache Server). From this server I want
> to proxy to the 2 wiki-server. Therfore I configured 2 virtualhosts with
> a ProxyPass(Reverse) (See general.conf file below)
> When I go to wiki1.gti-ia-zo.nl (from extern) the proxy works for 1 call.
> Then the wiki want to redirect to the main-page... So the new URL gets:
> And, of course, that doesn't work.....
> Can somebody tell me how to get this configuration to work?
> Thanks in advanced!!!
> Marco
> (Server 1)
> general.conf:
> NameVirtualHost wiki1.mydomain.com:80
> NameVirtualHost wiki2.mydomain.com:80
> <VirtualHost wiki1.mydomain.com:80
>         ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         ServerName wiki1.mydomain.com
>         ProxyPass /  #I tried both ProxyPass and
> ProxyPassReverse!
> </VirtualHost>
> <VirtualHost wiki2.mydomain.com:80
>         ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         ServerName wiki2.mydomain.com
>         ProxyPassReverse /
> </VirtualHost>
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