Well it does seem like mod_perl is a a RAM users... I commented it out and
instead of 120mb RAM it is using 60mb RAM... Any suggestions on what I can
do to make mod_perl not use so much ram... I have it running cause I am
testing out a CMS system called WebGUI... Maybe I should just get used to
that amount of ram being used...

Billy Strader
WebPool Pager: 865-417-5622
Work: 865-425-5178
Pager: 865-417-5012

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Joshua Slive
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 10:50 AM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.2.3 Memory Usage

On 11/20/06, Strader, William A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure if this is the right place to be asking but I thought I would 
> try.
> OK I am running Fedora Core 6 with Apache 2.2.3 (installed via yum).  
> The server has 1.5gb RAM on a Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.66GHz (2666 
> MHz).  What I am running into is I am getting like 12 or more httpd 
> processes running. Each processing using approximately 120mb RAM.  I 
> am running the system with prefork.c and here is the configu statement 
> I have for it:
> <IfModule prefork.c>
> StartServers       2
> MinSpareServers    3
> MaxSpareServers   10
> ServerLimit      256
> MaxClients       256
> MaxRequestsPerChild  4000
> </IfModule>
> I also have this line in my config:
> MaxMemFree 30720
> Now can anyone know me why I have so many httpd processes running at a 
> given time and why is each process using such a large amount of RAM.
> The number of sites I am running on the server is 7 domains and 4 sub 
> domains so a total of 11 sites.  Any advice you can give me in helping 
> me possible reduce the amount of ram the system is using would greatly 
> be appricated.

12 httpd processes does not seem at all unusual, given that you allow up to
10 spare (inactive) processes, plus the parent (control) process and perhaps
a piped-logger or something like that.

What is unusual here is memory requirements of 120MB per process. This is at
least 10 times what you would expect in a standard install.  It implies that
you are running some modules (mod_perl or similar) that are gobbling up tons
of RAM.  You should isolate which module is doing that and see if you can
fix it.


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