On 20/11/06, Joshua Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 11/20/06, Strader, William A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well it does seem like mod_perl is a a RAM users... I commented it out and
> instead of 120mb RAM it is using 60mb RAM... Any suggestions on what I can
> do to make mod_perl not use so much ram... I have it running cause I am
> testing out a CMS system called WebGUI... Maybe I should just get used to
> that amount of ram being used...

Even 60mb of RAM is on the absurd side, except for very specific
cases.  You should keep removing modules until you get down to
something in the low double digits.

As far as mod_perl goes, I'm not an expert.  Obviously there is too
much stuff getting loaded at startup.  You should ask over on the
mod_perl list, or in a support forum for WebGUI.


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Hi I use apache 1.3 as well as 2.2.3 so this is off topic since this
is for 2.2.3 but I have just noticed my processes use in excess of
100meg per child, I run eaccelerator which I know accounts for some of
this 32meg so this would leave around 80 meg per process without
eacellerator, I always thought this was normal and would explain why
on a box with 2 gig of ram I cant get anywhere near the amount of
child processes others reach without using swap.


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