On 11/23/06, Michael Hulet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But what really concerns me here is that you said you were downloading
> and compiling directly from apache.org, yet you are using apache2ctl,
> which I believe is debian-specific.  This could be causing any number
> of problems, and could also imply that you have some weird mix of
> debian and apache-installed components.
> Joshua.
You're right:

    # apache2ctl -v
    Server version: Apache/2.0.54
    Server built:   Jul 28 2006 09:04:55

So I wanted to remove apache2-utils but it wants to remove a lot of
dependencies that I don't want to remove (phpMyAdmin, Webmin, php, ...).
What do you think I should do first?

I'd say you have two choices:

1. Grab the debian-packaged version of 2.2.  I'm sure it exists someplace; or

2. Install the apache.org package someplace separate from the debian
install (/usr/local/apache2 for example) and be sure to use the tools
that get installed under there.)  But I think you're going to find
that you'll need to recompile php, etc anyway if you go to 2.2.


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