Hi Gaël,
I'm a bit of an LDAP noob from the administrative side, I've only connected
and queried information from Java Applications.  I've installed OpenLDAP on
CentOS 4.3, I'm connecting to LDAP from a Fedora 6 box with Apache 2.2.  I
have it partially working thanks to your response!  I missed the
directive be set to off" for require valid-user.  I have the following
configuration and it now works for all employee access, but I want to limit
it to only developers.  The posix group "developers" path is below
cn=development,ou=Groups,dc=arocksoftware,dc=comThe member attribute in the
development group is "memberUid" for the user id of all members

I tried change the config below to the following parameters, and it won't
authenticate with the require group on.  If I comment out the group
directive and just go with require valid user, it works.  Can I get any help
on what's wrong with my group query string?


Working Starting point
<Location />
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /srv/svnrepos

  # Limit write permission to list of valid users.
  # Require SSL connection for password protection.
  # SSLRequireSSL

  #Admin binding
  AuthLDAPBindDN {admin dn removed}
  AuthLDAPBindPassword {admin password removed}
  AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off

  #Default Search String

  #require a member of the dev group
  AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid
  require ldap-group cn=development,ou=Groups,dc=arocksoftware,dc=com
  #Require valid-user


On 3/20/07, Gaël Lams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/20/07, Todd Nine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I'm having a bit of trouble getting mod_authz_ldap to work.  I have my
> layout and my posix groups layout included.  I'm simply trying to
> authenticate the user "tnine" against the group
>  cn=development,ou=Groups,dc=arocksoftware,dc=com
>  I receive the following error, so I'm obviously not getting authorized
> auth_ldap authenticate: user tnine authentication failed; URI
> [ldap_search_ext_s() for user failed][No such object]
>  I have the following settings in my authorization directive.  But I
> several questions.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> 1. I'm using a posixGroup, is that not possible?
> 2. I have set the log level to debug, but I only get the above line in
> error_log.  I'd like to see the query string its issuing, is that
> 3. I thought that by setting the AuthLDAPGroupAttribute it would find my
> username and authenticate me, is that not correct?

I personally always look on the ldap back-end side to see the query
string being issued. Which ldap directory are you using

Before working with a group, do you have the ldap authentication
working for a single user?

"require valid-user" directive requires that mod_authz_user be loaded
and that the AuthzLDAPAuthoritative directive be set to off but you
have it set to off

AuthLDAPGroupAttribute specifies which LDAP attributes are used to
check for group membership.
The require directives are used during the authorization phase: are
you sure you're right in specifying both require valid-user and
require ldap-group? As said a few lines below, require valid-user
require an additional authorization modules (mod_authz_user). Why
don't use only require ldap-group? This whay you could let
"AuthzLDAPAuthoritative On"?



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