I have downloaded and compiled apache 2.2.4 on my Mac Powerbook G4 OS X
10.4.9. I did not make any significant changes to the httpd.conf file
initially. I started the server and it error¹d on startup with the following
messages in terminal. I am not getting anything relevant to this error in

(48)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(48)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address

Also, I am able to see httpd processes in activity monitor, but they have
different pid¹s than the one found in logs/httpd.pid. I am assuming those
are processes started by the shipped version of apache from Apple, which I
would like to disable but don¹t quite know how. To start the apache server I
am using the full path to the new apache installation as well as the
apachectl ­f to pass the location and file name of the httpd.conf file I
want to use.

Changes to conf/httpd.conf
Servername as well as my IP-( not at the same time)
ServerAdmin (my email address)
DocumentRoot (my Sites Folder at ³/users/arthurpesa/Sites²)

I have not changed anything else yet. Any insight is greatly appreciated,


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