
I am running 2.24 and want to use mod_proxy to perform what I thought would be a very simple proxying job of taking requests from our local web server in the DMZ and passing them to an application server behind the firewall that has an internal IP, and back again. I have followed the standard implementation thus:

<VirtualHost *:8080>
ServerName mywebserver:8080

# Reverse Proxy Test PS 260607

ProxyRequests Off

<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass / http://myappserver.local:8331/
ProxyPassReverse / http://myappserver.local:8331/


However, when I go to http://myserver:8080 instead of retaining this address and feeding the content the client is simply taken directly to the back end server. Everything I have looked at on forums and help sites indicate that what I am doing is right so can anyone give me some ideas as to what I should be looking at to fix this. Any particular behaviour on web pages you are trying to proxy that might break the reverse proxy?



Paul Shackleton,
Assistant Systems Manager,
University of the Arts London,
London College of Communication,
Elephant & Castle,
London SE1 6SB.

Tel. 020 7514 8020 / 0797 600 8895
Fax. 020 7514 6597


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