So we have apache 2.0.55 running on an HP-UX 11.11 system.  I need to
add ldap authentication support to this setup so I went about compiling
mod_auth_ldap.  I downloaded a tar ball of 2.0.55, put it in a temp
directory, and then ran the same configure line (from config.log) that I
assume was used to build the current installation.  I wanted to leave
the original source tree/installation untouched.  Anyway, I added
with-ldap=/usr/local/OpenLDAP.2.3 and enable-ldap=shared to the config.
It had some issues locating the openssl libraries, but I managed to band
aid that and get it all compiled.  I installed everything into a
parallel directory and then copies the and
files into the modules directory of the production site.  I then created
a copy of the httpd.conf, but changed the logfile names and port it
listens to to create a secondary test server.  Attempting to start httpd
with this config file, however, results in this error:


Cannot load /opt/apache2/modules/ into server: Unresolved


Which is frustratingly vague.  In fact, if I attempt to start the httpd
on my test, parallel installation (the one I compiled myself), I get the
same error.  Is there any way to get this to tell me WHAT it can't seem
to find so I can start to figure out why?

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