Joshua Slive wrote:
> On 9/4/07, Aaron Dalton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have an overarching <Location /> directive that passes everything in
>> my virtual host through a home-rolled handler.  I would like create a
>> few directory aliases, though, that bypass this handler.  As far as I
>> know, however, Locations are processed before Directories.  How can I
>> accomplish this?  Here's what I want to do:
>> Alias /js /foo/bar/js
>> <Directory /foo/bar/js>
>>         Allow from all
>> </Directory>
>> <Location />
>>         # mod_perl handler stuff
>> </Location>
> No, Location is processed after Directory and the last match usually wins.
> Why not put the mod_perl stuff in a <Directory> section instead?

Thanks for the reply, Joshua.  The <Location /> is used because the
handler implements a RESTful system where the urls do not map to the
file system.  Some urls, however, need to reference specific files, thus
the Alias+<Directory>.  I tried moving the <Directory> directive after
the <Location> but the Location handler is still intercepting the request.

Aaron Dalton       |   Super Duper Games

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