We're having trouble getting Apache LDAP authentication on Fedora to
work against Active Directory.


<Location /repos2>

    AuthType Basic

    AuthName "SVN Repository"

    AuthBasicProvider ldap

    AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=zzzzzz,ou=zzzzz,dc=zzz,dc=troux,dc=com"

    AuthLDAPBindPassword ********

OU=Distribution Groups,DC=zzz,DC=troux,DC=com))"

    AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off

    Require valid-user



With the above (somewhat redacted) data as arguments to ldapsearch we
get the expected results, a list of all user objects that are members of
the Development distribution group.  These user objects may come from
several different subtrees in A/D.  


When we try to use this configuration with Apache however, we get an
"Operations Failure" response.  


I captured the port 389 traffic and examined it, and we see that the
Base DN actually transmitted is




If we change the base DN to




The query works, but we want to search starting one level higher in the


Why is Apache adding CN=Configuration to the BaseDN?  Is there a way to
force it to use the BaseDN we specify?


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