Alias only can be used for "URL" to "physical path", such as "Alias /MyWeb 
/home/Aslan". But now I want to chnage URL to the other URL. Here I describe my 
problem more detail as following:
Alias /myweb/Aslan /home/Aslan
<Directory "/home/Aslan">
Now, I want to change the url "/myweb/Aslan" to "/Aslan". I try to the 
directive "Redirect /myweb/Aslan /Aslan", but it can't work!!
Please don't tell me change "Alias /myweb/Aslan /home/Aslan" to "Alias /Aslan 
/home/Aslan". The words of "Alias /myweb/Aslan /home/Aslan" can't be changed by 
some reasons.
Does any good method to do it?
Thanks very much!! ^^


Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to use the directive of "Redirect"??

In a message dated 2007-10-12 16:22:44 中国标准时间, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

          Does anyone ever use the directive of Redirect? I saw it's document 
on the web, and it seems to redirect pages to "Specific URL", such as "Redirect 
/myweb";. But if I only want to redirect one page to others 
whch in the same host, such as "Redirect /myweb /mybook". How can I do? Has 
there any parameter which can represent the server's IP address?? 

use Alias.



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