Hello all,

I have a directory on my webserver (say http://localhost/foo/) who's
subdirectories (say bar/ and cha/) I want to only be available via SSL (
https://localhost/foo/bar/ % https://localhost/foo/cha/).  I have the
following .htaccess in my foo/ directory, but it's not working.  I assume
the rewrite just isn't getting called on because I don't get any errors or
anything.  mod_rewrite is enabled, and AllowOveride is set to All for my
root directory.  I've tried both ^(.*)$ and /^(.*)$ for the rewrite rule.
Any suggestions?  Thanks! -- BTR

#### .htaccess file in foo/ directory ####

RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
RewriteRule /^(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R]

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