Hey there,

I've been using mod_status to keep an eye on several of my servers traffic spikes for the past few months now, great stuff, loving it sick. Since I've got a fair few servers to watch I was hoping to automate the process and for some crazy reason, the "autp" status pages on my servers aren't returning a valid status code in the header so the app's i've been developing can't detect whether the site is up or not....

i.e. (look at the response headers) http://www.viewmark.net.au/server-status?auto vs. http://www.apache.org/server-status?auto

I've scoured the web for any background, but alas... no cigar...
Has anyone encountered this before?

my httpd.conf additions look like this:
<Location /server-status>
        SetHandler server-status
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
with extended status turned on.

- Az

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