Hi everyone!

I'm trying to create a .cgi that makes a connection to Oracle Database using unixODBC (in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 machine).

I've successfully compiled Apache (APR 1.2.12, APR-Util 1.2.12, HTTPD 2.2.8), unixODBC (2.2.12) and PHP (5.2.6) but when I try to run the cgi from the web browser I get "Internal Server Error". If I run the same cgi from command line it works wih no errors.

I don't know why Apache is giving me Error 500 but if I run the .cgi from command line everything works fine.

My .cgi is just doing a simple select (using SQLDriverConnect) and then it disconnects.

>From apache logs I can see:

[Tue Jun 03 11:21:20 2008] [error] [client] Debug: connect_odbc.c [connect_odbc] - ODBC string 'DSN=SXDB;UID=scatex;PWD=Scatex;', referer: [Tue Jun 03 11:21:20 2008] [error] [client] connection string is: DSN=SXDB;UID=scatex;PWD=Scatex;, referer: [Tue Jun 03 11:21:20 2008] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: lista_alarmes.cgi, referer:

I can only think that Apache doesn't know how to execute SQLDriverConnect. But if this is true,how do I make it work?

Any help would be very appreciated. I have no more clues or ideas to solve this right now...

Best regards,

Miguel Rentes

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