Lester Caine wrote:
André Warnier wrote:
Lester Caine wrote:
I've just had a problem on a site that I need to get fixed properly.

I should probably have taken a bit more care when I set thing up, but at that time I missed one thing, and that was that the log files default to ServerRoot.

I don't want to move the configuration files from /etc/ but I need to move all the logging over to /usr2/ so that it does not fill the base 8Gb partition - and crash the server :(

Is there a 'global' setting which will move the base log directory or do I have to handle each logging directive manually? This is on a Mandiva 2008.0 setup which uses /etc/httpd/ but on the SUSE setup I seem already to have the logging split, and can't see why it's different.

In the httpd.conf (or apache.conf) and/or similar VirtualHost conf files, there are 2 lines : ErrorLog and CustomLog, which indicate the logfiles for errors, and for accesses respectively. If the paths to these files start with a "/", then the path is absolute. If it starts without a "/", then it is relative to the server root. From what you say above, I guess they start with "logs/....", which make them relative. So just change that to "/usr2/httpd/logs/.." or whatever you need, and restart apache.

TA - that was the kick I needed. But I can't restart until they finish work tonight.

Now I just need to work out why on the 1st of the Month when the logs are changed over Apache hangs and has to be restarted? I can't see anything in the logs, but it's almost as if it's stopped, logs renamed, but then not started by which ever script is controlling it?

Look for instances of "logrotate", /etc/logrotate, /etc/logrotate.d and so on. You can also look in /etc/cron.monthly, which is probably where it all starts. But then, if you have a problem wit that, ask on a Linux list, not here, because this has nothing to do with Apache.

And, by the way, if you change the location of the logfiles, then your current configuration of logrotate will not be valid anymore, and you will *have* to change it.
Have fun.

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