On Wed, 2008-09-17 at 08:08 -0500, Jay Sprenkle wrote:
> André Warnier wrote:
> > Prathima Dandapani -X (pdandapa - HCL at Cisco) wrote:
> >> Hi All,
> >>  
> >>           I am running Apache 2.2.9 as a service in windows.
> >>          Can any help me in making Apache to dump core in some directory
> >> before it crashes.
> >>          Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Now that's kind of an unusual request.  Usually people here want 
> > exactly the opposite.
> >
> > You could start by scanning the previous entries on this list, look 
> > for the ones that complain about Apache dumping core, and try to 
> > implement the exact opposite of the solutions indicated.
> > :-)
> uh... you don't get core dumps in windows. That's a unix thing.
Oh really?


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