
I am not sure if this is the list to post this too. But I am having an issue
with mod_rewrite. We are using Tomcat with Apache. We have a few site that
we are doing rewrites too. But we are having an issue were if one of our
vanity_rewrites are called on. An extra /domain rule is going added before
the url for the rewrite. I have found the rule for the rewrite it is this...

RewriteRule (.*)$ /domain$1 [PT,L]

Now if I remove that rule the vanity works, but all links on the domain.com
site donĀ¹t. Again if that rule is try the vanity come out like this.


And we are getting a 404.

Is there anything I can try. I have search for a week now on google and
everything I have read or try has broke things.


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