On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Harald Falkenberg
> Hi,
> I found that some agents sent http request headers as follows:
>        te: chunked
> questions:
> 1. What is the meaning of this header? I still didn't found any
>        description of it.

rfc 2616 section 3.6.1

> 2. it looks like that this requests header (te: chunked) leads to
>        passing by request in respect to the apache cache, and all
>        request were send to the back-end web servers (like using
>        force reload in the browser). Can the header "te: chunked"
>        explain such behaviour or is there something else wrong?

If it's a chunked request body, it's likely not a GET -- so it won't be cached.

See "what can be cached" here:

Eric Covener

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